SKOLKOVO CMDC with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Environment of Finland held an online-conference “Finnish EPR System”
Moscow, July 2, 2020 — On July 2, 2020, the Consumer Market Development Center, with the support of the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and the Commission for Consumer Market Development of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation, held the first event in a series of scheduled online conferences. As part of the discussion, international experience was studied in the field of implementation of the extended producer responsibility system (EPR) in Finland.

Event leaders were:
- Ilya Vadimovich Lomakin-Rumyantsev – Chairman of the Commission for Consumer Market Development of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Director of the Consumer Market Development Center of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO;
- Silvennoinen-Hiisku Svetlana – Project Coordinator for cooperation in the field of waste management of the Ministry of the Environment of Finland.
Conference speakers were experts from Finland:
- Teemu Virtanen – Leading Head of Responsibility for Manufacturers of Pirkanmaa ELY Center;
- Peter Rasmussen – Development Director of the Association of Plastic Packaging Manufacturers, Suomen Uusiomuovi Oy;
- Matti Nieminen – Leading Specialist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
During the event, Finnish colleagues highlighted the following issues:
- How has the EPR system developed in Finland: key challenges and legislative initiatives?
- About the EPR management system in Finland today: the roles and responsibilities of the parties, control and economic incentives.
- On the implementation of the EPR system: methods for the implementation of the EPR, participation of relevant associations, the responsibility of processors, the market for recycled materials.
- Is the Finnish model for implementing EPRs applicable to Russian conditions?
Among the event participants were representatives of specialized and industrial unions and associations, state authorities, waste management operators and waste managers, representatives of manufacturers of goods and packaging, large retail chains, non-profit organizations, representatives of the scientific and expert community.
In the final block of the online conference, the event leaders voted on the experience of which country it would be more interesting to get acquainted with as part of studying the implementation of the EPR system. The leaders were Germany, Austria and Japan.
"We plan to continue acquaintance with international experience in introducing and implementing an effective system of extended producer responsibility" (Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev).
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